Milanbey Mangal Party is coming soon!
Do not miss a unique chance to be a part of the first Milanbey Mangal Party! This extraordinary grilling event is an unique opportunity to meet other VIP guests and make new connections. Besides networking you can also enjoy delicious food and drinks prepared by other participants.

A planned game played in front of the international media
This morning hundreds of police and water cannon vehicles marched into Taksim. There has been a peaceful environment for 10 days there. This morning at 7:30 people were still sleeping in their tents or having breakfast. When the police attacked with gas bombs a group of about 30 provocators who […]

Spring Break
Předtím, než se vydám na další cestovatelské dobrodružství po Státech, dlužím svým věrným čtenářům pár postřehů z výletu o jarních prázdninách – Spring Break. S parťákem ze Slovenska jsme se rozhodli vyrazit od 8. do 17. března 2013 na dobrodružný výlet stopem na Floridu.
…and how YOU can help to Syrian people?
Damascus, the capital city of Syria, is distanced about 2569 km from Prague and it is about 1057 km from Istanbul. Thanks to my Syrian flatmate, I have a direct connection to the Syrian war just 2 meters far from my door. His family is still in danger in Syria […]